The Best Wedding Welcome Basket Checklist!

Not sure what to include in your Wedding Welcome Baskets for your out-of-town guests?  You are not alone!  To help you along the way, we put together a little checklist that will have you ‘throwing it in the bag’ with ease.

Wedding Basket Tips and tricks Events by L

____ Pick out something super cute to hold all of the goodies you will be giving your guests.

You can find totes in a variety of colors, sizes, and prices at all sorts of stores from the super market to the dollar store.  If you are a DIY-er than this is perfect for you to go and get a nice little canvas tote and either paint on, iron on, or freehand any design or monogram you would like.

Wedding planning, tips, wedding advice, McHenry

Don’t limit yourself to totes,  either.  Get creative and use whatever goes best with the theme of your big day.  You can use woven baskets, boxes – anything that strikes your fancy.

_____  Put together an itinerary outlining the events of your wedding that they are more than welcome to attend.

Let your goodie bags be their tour guide.  Include times, locations, maps, dress codes, menus, local entertainment for them to venture off on their own, and more.  Your guests are traveling to celebrate your big day and support you, it will make them feel extra special arriving to a thoughtful bag you have put together for their enjoyment.

Wedding baskets for out of town guests, Events by L

_____ Include a snack!

Guests will be extremely grateful to arrive to their accommodations after a long drive or flight to find a considerate snack in their swag bag!

_____ Don’t forget to include something to drink!

Now, this doesn’t have to just be water!  Your guests are coming to celebrate after all so get festive!  You could include some champagne, some little shots of various liquors and mixors, juice, wine, or whatever you feel your guests will appreciate most.

_____ Prepare for the hangover!

Just incase your guests aren’t feeling 100% after all of the festivities, which they normally don’t, supply them with aspirin and water to cure their hangovers.  They will thank you!

Wedding inspiration, Wedding Do Not Disturb Door

How fun are these do not disturb signs?

_____ Thank them!

Wedding thank you notes, Events by L, Wedding

Most importantly, include a nice thank you note for each guest and let them know how much it means to you that they have taken the time to come and support you and your beloved!

Here is the PDF version for you without pictures for you to print and use The Best Wedding Welcome Basket Checklist.


-The L’s

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